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may book giveaway!

May 1, 2018

pretty happy book by kate hudson

It’s May!  I hope the weather gods got the memo on this because, here in Connecticut, we are in desperate need of some spring-like days!  A new month means a new giveaway!

For May, the giveaway book is Pretty Happy:  Healthy Ways to Love Your Body by Kate Hudson.

I am not a big fan of celebrity books, but this book just spoke to me!  I think Kate has an amazing energy and self-confidence and these attributes are reflected in the pages of her book.  A great mantra for health and happiness, Pretty Happy outlines the four pillars of health Kate has created to help guide her through an authentic life.

page from pretty happy

Reading about the way Kate honors her relationship with herself is sure to inspire and provide you with a few takeaways on how you can create your own authentic self.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of this book!  The winner will be chosen at random at the end of the month.  Good luck! :)

Congratulations to Ginny.  She is the winner of the April giveaway, Honey by Angelo Proseperi-Porta.  Thanks for the email Ginny!  (Click here to read more on this title.)

Instagram users, please read on!  For May, let’s share photos of flowers!  I am so jazzed about starting flower garden preparation and I can’t wait for new blooms this month!  Use hashtag #pleasuregram to share some favorite flower photos!

instagram challenge may 2018

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Category: good reads, inspiration, monthly book giveaway | Tags: , , |

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