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happy 2019!

January 1, 2019

pleasure in simple things

A new year.  New?  That is a real understatement in my case.  Trying to come up with a word for the year that could possibly apply to my 2019 seems impossible.  Renew?  Not dramatic enough.  Strength or something related to being super strong – like, super-hero strong?  Maybe.  I just can’t come up with a single word that seems just right.


Instead of the perfect word, I thought I would share a few quotes for 2019…a few words that I find inspiring as I think of the year ahead.


Thank you so much for following.  I have some exciting times ahead to share in 2019!

move on

I wish you the very best in the year ahead!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Category: inspiration, word for the year | Tags: , |

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