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goodbye garden

October 11, 2013

planting flowers in a white pumpkin

There is no denying that fall is Connecticut in beautiful.  But, to make way for the beauty of the changing leaves, the flowers vanish.

fall collage

This is the time of year when I have to take in my favorite bird bath to protect it from being broken by the first frost…For Friday field trip today, I thought we would go outside and take a look in the garden to see what survived the start of autumn…


There is plenty of euphorbia…it seems to like this time of year…among it, one lone piece of lavender…

end of summer flowers

Not much else…some mums of course…and, a monster black-eyed susan vine.  I decided to create something with the few flowers I had left…to capture one last look at my garden…so I arranged them in one of my white pumpkins to bring into the house.

mums in a pumpkin

This is easy to do…if you want to create one, just cut off the top of a pumpkin, hollow out the inside, and add floral foam to arrange the flowers.  (You might remember last year I planted succulents.)

flowers in a pumpkin

I like my little reminder of what is left of summer in my garden.

fall quote

Thank you so much for stopping by.

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Category: diy, field trips, garden | Tags: , , |

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