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conservatory of flowers

August 13, 2019

close view front conservatory

My recent trip to San Francisco included many miles of walking.  One day, while walking through the world-renowned Golden Gate Park, it was a pleasant surprise to happen upon The Conservatory of Flowers – a Victorian-era glass greenhouse with more than 2,000 species of plants & flowers.

flower view in conservatory

green varigated leaf

A national, state and local landmark built in 1879; the Conservatory of Flowers was the first formal structure erected in Golden Gate Park and remains an icon at its entrance.

view of the floor


The Conservatory has five distinct galleries, each focusing on highlighting a different ecosystem, ranging from a tropical rainforest to the cloud forests perched on top of mountains.

delicate flowers

I am sharing a few photos taken at the Conservatory with you here today. If you find yourself visiting San Francisco, be sure to put the Conservatory of Flowers on your list of places to visit!  Even if plants are not your ‘thing,’ the glass greenhouse and surrounding grounds are worth visiting!

conservatory plants

Have a fabulous week.  Thanks for stopping by.

conservatory of flowers

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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