food for the soul
I hadn’t planned on assigning a word of the year for 2014. I had seen many others choose one and I wasn’t particularly motivated to choose one for myself. I toyed with the idea of using the word renewal …but, I decided against it; thinking it sounded like such a cliche…and how could I possibly use a word like that for the entire year…the idea made me think of the movie Groundhog Day.
Okay, I thought…no word for the year.
Then I met a friend for lunch that I hadn’t seen for a while. One of those friends that you can just jump right into a conversation the second you get together…start right where you left off with no hesitation.

So today’s Friday field trip ends up being the short journey I took to discover my word for the year.
It didn’t happen right when we devoured the artisan cheese plate…

Or even as I ate my local greens salad….

It wasn’t until sometime during my banana cream pie with sweet potato sorbet and pecans as I reached over to try my friend’s chocolate hazelnut budino, and spooned into the caramel at the bottom of the glass, that it really hit me…
My word for the year… Friendship.
It had to be Friendship.
Because the true nourishment that afternoon did not come from the food…the true nourishment came from a friendship…two friends connecting in a special way that only friends can.

In the words of Marcel Proust “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
Even when I think of my wonderful family relationships, it is the friendships that make them special.
So for 2014, I want to acknowledge all the friendships that make my soul blossom…reconnect with some old friends… get together with some I don’t see as often as I would like…schedule regular family get-togethers…let those that I do see know how much they mean to me…
For it is truly the people in my life that give it meaning.
In the words of Henry David Thoreau “The language of friendship is not words but meanings.”
I value and acknowledge my friendships with a special focus this year and I look forward to creating some new friendships. :)

Thank you so much for stopping by.
Have a wonderful weekend, Jackie
P.S. The photos in this post were taken at the wonderful restaurant Le Farm in Westport, Connecticut…a “must try” if you live in the area or plan on visiting.
Sharing at Craftberry Bush and Finding Silver Pennies.