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autumn in connecticut

October 29, 2019


I know I complain about the end of summer but it is only because I hate to see my favorite season end!

fall in litchfield

Fall though, certainly has some redeeming qualities…

more pumpkins

I was able to appreciate some of them this weekend!

overhead view of pumpkins

I spent some time with family and when we took the time to slow down a little bit, we were able to reflect and appreciate the outdoor beauty of our state at this time of the year!


Driving anywhere here in Connecticut right now is truly breathtaking.

ppumpkin arrangement

These few photos were taken just walking from lunch…

pumpkin close up

pumpkins side view

I didn’t even grab any photos while we were driving – it was too spectacular to hesitate for a photo!  But I loved these groupings of pumpkins!

And, I loved to see how some of the flowers are still hanging in!

moon flower

I can’t believe these cosmos are still around!

fall cosmos

some pumpkins

It seems our leaves are at their height of  color right now – they seem mighty late this year!

row of pumpkins

I hope you are inspired to find some beauty in the season where you live.

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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