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inspirational reads for january

January 17, 2020

inspirational books 2020

It is not unusual for me to log in a couple of inspirational reads at the beginning of a new year.  It is unusual for me, however, to read two that have as great an impact on me as the two I started with in 2020!

For this reason, I am sharing the titles of the books with you today.

One of these books is by James Clear, titled Atomic Habits.  There is a good reason James is a regular speaker at Fortune 500 companies.  He has created a practical guide on how to build good habits and get rid of bad ones!  Reading this book is an easy way to reshape your thought process in a way to achieve positive results.  If you are up for making some tiny changes that can have some positive results in your daily life, give it a try!

The second book I want to mention is Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, PhD.  This book is fascinating! I can only imagine it would be fascinating to everyone since everyone sleeps!  The way the book is organized, it is easy to skim through or to just read sections that are of interest.  I am always interested in improving my health and this book explains how something as basic as sleep can have a tremendous impact!


Even if you don’t normally enjoy reading anything medically related, I think you will find some areas of interest in this book.  Take it out of your local library and, at the very least, give it a skim!

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great weekend!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things – like a good night’s sleep!

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