Do you have a word for the year? I don’t feel a need to have one every year, although I usually have a yearly focus. For 2018 I have a clear focus, but I find it impossible to find a single word to represent it!
I have some very major schedule changes I want to accomplish in 2018. I wondered how that could be represented in a single word. Maybe overhaul? Revamp? Redesign? Not very sexy! How about something a little more subtle…like shift, change, or redesign? My 2018 goals just don’t seem to fit into a single word!
I DO think I can represent an attitude for the year with a quote…one of my favorites from Ralph Waldo Emerson:
“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”
I think I will leave you with this quote and forget about a single word for 2018.
I hope your 2018 fulfills all your dreams!
Thanks for stopping by!
Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie