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taken for granite 2017 holiday

November 24, 2017

colorful bottle brush trees

The games have begun…the shoppers are off!

beachy holiday

I promised a week of shopping inspiration and today I share some photos from one of my favorite ‘beachy’ vibe shops.

turquoise ornaments

holiday fairy

Today, for Friday field trip, a holiday visit to Taken for Granite in Stony Creek, Connecticut.

trees in miniature

holiday jewels

copper bracelet

Choose this brick and mortar store over internet shopping and delight in the personal service, gorgeous gift wrap, and carefully selected merchandise offered!

shells and holiday decor

teapot holiday vignette


bottle brush trees in colors

Thanks for visiting!  Have a wonderful weekend.

pink bottle brush trees

Remember to take pleasure in simple things…like visiting a beautiful gift shop! xo Jackie

Category: field trips, inspiration, sand & sea | Tags: , , |

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