Why was a Tuscany theme extra special for the bridal shower I helped organize? Tuscany was the location of the proposal!
The bridesmaids, mother of the bride, mother of the groom, and myself got together for planning (and some good eating!) meetings months ahead of the shower date. The mother of the bride had the place and theme decided, so we ran with it!

Of course, a couple things just pop into your mind when you think of Tuscany! We decided to use lemons, and all things wine as reoccurring décor items.
The maid of honor, an artist, created a beautiful painting of the proposal as a gift to the bride. The painting was front and center on the day of the shower – we used it on the mantel above the spot where the future bride opened her gifts. The maid of honor also created a beautiful handlettered sign “Showered with Amore” that greeted guests as they arrived.

I created table signs, naming each table after an Italian wine. The guests picked up a table card strategically placed on a cork in a crate of grapes. The same type of graphic was used to tag the favors – a homemade Tuscan spice mix created by the soon-to-be bride’s mom. I used the same theme/colors in creating a ‘bridal bingo’ game. Another favor, created by the matron of honor, was a cluster of grapes styled from chocolate candies…so cute!

The mother of the future groom had saved corks from the entire time of her marriage – she had A LOT – and we used these in our decorating…and, in our games. One of the games was “Guess How Many Corks in the Jar.”

Can you believe I found a dress in a lemon print fabric? It was an Anne Klein Dress at an original price of $119. that I bought off-season at T.J. Maxx for $29.99!
The best part of the shower, of course, was getting together with old friends and meeting new friends who will be a part of the upcoming wedding day. The bride-to-be looked absolutely fabulous! If the shower day was any indication of how she will look on the wedding day – bellissima!!

I hope you enjoyed seeing a few photos from the Tuscan themed shower created by ‘our team.’ We all had a blast – the reason I didn’t take as many photos as usual! I hope you are inspired to use some of our ideas in your own party planning!
Thanks for stopping by! Remember to take pleasure in simple things. Ciao, Jackie