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Tag: White Flower Farm

majestic beech tree


european beech tree

Something I truly admire on visits to one of my favorite nurseries in Connecticut  – White Flower Farm – is the gorgeous tree standing guard near the front of the property.

tall european beech

european beech in spring

The European beech has been described by many experts as the finest specimen tree available.  This one at White Flower Farm was planted in 1958.

large euopean beech

looking up at beech tree

Isn’t it something?

white flower farm beech

While having that beautiful beech on my mind, I was walking around my neighborhood and realized that a tree doesn’t have to be 63 years old to be appreciated.

There is so much about trees to admire.  A couple of trees I passed on my walk, changing with the season, caught my eye.

pretty seeds

While I do have favorite trees at nurseries and gardens I visit (such as the copper beech at Longwood Gardens), I can appreciate the humblest of varieties!

red maple seeds

I hope you are inspired to take special notice of some local trees or trees you see in your travels.

pretty buds

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a fabulous weekend, Jackie

hostas at white flower farm

Note:  Some interesting history about the European beech tree From the Arbor Day Foundation website:

The European beech tree has an unmatched place in history. The beechnuts were food for prehistoric man and are still consumed today. The wood has been employed for centuries for both fire and furniture in Europe. Historians claim that the first written European literature was inscribed on Beech bark in Sanskrit. The English word ‘book” comes from the Anglo-Saxon “boc”, a derivative for the Anglo-Saxon “beece” or Beech.

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dahlias at white flower farm


single dahlia in the rain

Garden relatives to the sunflower, chrysanthemum and zinnia, dahlias are really gorgeous perennials!

pink dahlia

They are native to warmer climates – Mexico and Central America.  To keep them blooming here, the tubers need to be dug up in the fall, stored over the winter, and then planted again the following spring.  (If they were in their native warm climate, they would re-sprout from their underground tubers to bloom each year.)

dahlias at white flower farm

The idea of digging up the tubers every year has kept me from planting any in my own garden.  There are just so many beautiful flowers to choose from – why choose one that requires so much work!  I just don’t want to add another thing to my fall garden ‘to do’ list!

orange dahlia

dahila cluster

But, seeing the gorgeous dahlia display at White Flower Farm this year, I have to say I thought twice about changing my mind about planting some dahlias!

drooping dahlia

I visited the flower farm when the blooms were at peak and it was a drizzly day.  I always love a garden on a rainy day – the colors are so much more impactful than on a sunny day!

colorful dahlias in the rain

Maybe a visit each fall to see the display at White Flower Farm can be even to satisfy my dahlia craving!

dahlia in shades of pink

beautiful dahlia

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a fabulous weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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white anemones at whites


white anenome

Botanical gardens or flower farms are a great resource to help decide on plant or flower choices for your own garden.

Seeing a plant in a pot is so different than seeing how it grows as part of an actual landscape!

anenome with birdhouse

A favorite spot for me to view planted gardens is White Flower Farm.  You can probably guess why.  There are always some great varieties of white flowers to admire!  By virtue of the name, I guess it is pretty much a requirement to offer some great white flowers for sale!

benches on a rainy day

On my last visit, I identified a new white flower variety I want for my own space.  If I had seen it offered for sale in a pot, I doubt I would have paid much attention to it.  But, ‘in the wild’ I fell completely in love!

My new current white favorite is a white anemone!

close up anenome

Pictured here are some photos of my current passion from my last visit to Whites.  Aren’t they beautiful!  Some great whiteness for the fall!

And now, Honorine Jobert Anemone is on my list of ‘must haves!’  What is on your list?

with close up bird house

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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white flowers are the best flowers


part of the moon garden on a rainy day

One of the first perennial borders planted by the founders of White Flower Farm was pure white. (For a short time, the owners even considered growing and offering only white-flowered perennials and shrubs..I wish that was carried through!)

pleasure in simple things blog moon garden

ferns at Whites

I call my all-white garden a ‘virgin’ garden.  At White’s, the all-white garden is called a ‘moon’ garden.  The white border is planted with a white tree wisteria and looks crisp and refreshing during the day and positively glows at twilight – the reason for its name!

white cosmos and white house

pretty white flowers pleasure in simple things blog

This garden is my favorite at the farm, but visitors can’t get too close to admire it.  This changes once a year when White’s has their open house.  During the open house tour – and the best part of it – visitors can get up close and personal to the fabulous moon garden!

daisies in the rain

white flowers in moon garden

This year, the open house happened on a rainy day, but I wasn’t going to miss the tour and my chance to get close to the moon garden!

pretty contrast in the moon garden

rock staircase Whites

Today, on Friday field trip, I am sharing some photos from the beautiful moon garden at White Flower Farm in Morris, Connecticut.  Enjoy!

moon garden against the trees

white cosmos pleasure in simple things blog

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a fabulous weekend!

Tiers of white flowerswhite mass of flowers

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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open house at white flower farm 2018


hydrangeas at Whites Flower Farm

Yes, the day my friend and I planned on visiting White Flower Farm for their annual open house was a rainy day!  But, that did not stop us from attending!

barn at Whites

Garden Bench

We weren’t going to let the rain get in the way of our day off and the fabulous prospect of visiting one of our favorite garden centers in Connecticut!

white dogwood at White's Flower Farm

Flower bed at White's Flower Farm

The annual open house is a great time to pick up some discounted plants, tour the grounds, and enjoy some complementary refreshments!

rose trellis

Little Henry

I purchased one of these ‘Little Henry’s’ to plant in my own yard!

For today’s Friday field trip, enjoy a little glimpse of White’s during this year’s open house.  Enjoy!

white wildness at Whites

border with overhang at Whites

hydrangeas at Whites

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a great weekend!

white lovin at Whites Flower Farm



side view of dogwood

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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