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Tag: The Duchess of York

duchess of york book giveaway


the duchess of york ~ sarah fergusonThe Duchess of York

Congratulations to Jessica (from the blog Brand New “We”), the winner of the December book giveaway.  Jessica has won a copy of The Shoemaker’s Wife signed by author Adriana Trigiani!  (Click here to see more about it.)  It is a wonderful book Jessica…I am certain you will love it!

For January, the giveaway will be a little different…I am excited to be giving away a children’s book for the first time… because it is a special one from a New York Times best-selling author!  I recently had the opportunity to have tea with The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, when she visited the New Canaan library in Connecticut.  I asked her to sign a copy of her latest children’s book Ballerina Rosie to use for this month’s giveaway book!  I will give away this encouraging story of an aspiring dancer at the end of January – randomly, to someone that has made a comment during the month as a way to thank you for visiting.  Click here for the full details.

The January giveaway book from

Any child you know is sure to enjoy this charming story and beautifully illustrated book signed by The Duchess of York…or, you may just want to keep it for yourself!

A great giveaway to start off the first one of 2013!  I also have two special New Year’s gifts that I will mail out to the first two people to wish me a Happy New Year!

The start of this new year is the perfect time to thank you all for visiting my blog.  As a novice, I especially appreciate everyone’s support.  This has been a very challenging year for me and the support and friendship I have received through ‘pleasure in simple things’  has really helped me through 2012.  Please continue to visit.  I look forward to 2013 with much anticipation and I am looking forward to sharing it with you.

Enjoy a safe and happy 2013.  Love, Jackie

“Your success and happiness lies in you.  Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.”   – Helen Keller

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