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Tag: terrarium

terrarium love


terrarium elements

Today, Friday field trip is a visit to my friend’s house.  Her name is Phyllis, and we are getting together for what she affectionately refers to as “a playdate.”  On this occasion, we are making terrariums.  We had recently picked up some terrarium plants and supplies at Terrain and we were very anxious to start creating!  I am sure we will have future field trips to Phyllis’s home since it is amazing!  I have so much inspiration I could share with you…her decor, her gardens, her handcrafted jewelry…well, everything!  But, for today, I will limit my sharing to our terrarium creations.


When I got to Phyllis’s house we started right in…covering her large kitchen island with newspaper and taking out all our various supplies.  In addition, her entire dining room table was covered with assorted containers and possible decorative terrarium items.  She showed me the terrarium she had already completed.  Wow!  It is so beautiful…a little watering can!…and a hanging plant!  Isn’t it great?

Completed Terrarium


close up Terrarium


close up Terrarium view

Because Phyllis already knew all the terrarium basics, I didn’t have to worry about doing alot of research.  She explained about the rocks for drainage on the bottom (I think I would have figured that out) and a layer of activated charcoal (I would not have figured that out) before the layer of soil.  So, after a quick lesson on how to proceed, I needed to decide exactly what I wanted to put into the terrarium.

plant for terrarium

I figured I had two ways to go.  I could do an Easter/spring theme and use eggs and nests OR I could do my standard (coastal/beach) theme.  I decided to go with a ‘beachy’ theme and got some possible items assembled.  The interesting thing about putting a terrarium together is that you don’t really need as many plants or decorative items as you may think.  Less is really more.  So, I decided my main decorative item would be a sand castle.

terrarium elements

From there, I would use some rocks, shells, sea glass, and moss that reminded me of the beach.  For the plant?  Phyllis and I had both fell in love with a plant called Breynia Snow Bush that we found at Terrain and that would serve as the highlighted plant in my creation.

terrarium elements

And…this is what I came up with…what do you think?  I love it!  Isn’t the little colored gravel so great?  I think it is sold as fish tank decor.  I had some old glass ‘bubbles’ that were used many years ago with floating candles that lent themselves perfectly to the ‘beachy’ terrarium.

photo of coastal theme terrarium

Adorable, don’t you think?

closeup beach terrarium

You are probably wondering what Phyllis was working on…wait until you see!  Phyllis and I had both been intrigued by the ‘pussy willow teepees’ we saw in some of the terrariums at Terrain…like the one on this bunny arrangement.  So, Phyllis decided to create one in a pretty metal container she had on hand.

bunny terrarium

This beautiful arrangement is what she came up with!  So gorgeous!

pussywillow tent planting

She created the “teepee” from stalks of pussy willow.  She attached them on top by putting an elastic band around a piece of moss she harvested from her yard.  So beautiful…and with the pussy willow and the addition of some real quail eggs from Terrain, the perfect Easter arrangement!  You can see in this closeup that the elastic is not even visible once it is put into the moss.

making a pussywillow tent

Playdate successful!

Consider ‘shopping’ your basement and garage for possible terrarium containers and decorative items…Terrain has some really cool terrarium items if you want to purchase some or supplement what you can find around your house.  Miniatures from train sets or Christmas villages can also be used.  The sand castle I used was actually a repurposed photo holder – I just trimmed off the wire stand.  Just remember to use soil appropriate to the plants you select.

I hope you enjoyed my Friday field trip to create terrariums.  Special thanks to my partner in crime!  I forgot to mention the homemade golden pea soup I had for lunch (so yummy!) or the eggplant and famous key lime pie (heaven!) from The Pantry in Fairfield…ahhh..the perks of the playdate!  Thank you so much for stopping by!

Have a fabulous weekend, Jackie

I am sharing at Little Red House, Serenity Saturday, The Inspiration Gallery, Craftionary, Common Ground, Give Me the Goods Monday, and The Well Crafted Home.

16 comments » | field trips, garden, sand & sea

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