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Tag: ice cream cake

s’mores ice cream cake


s'mores ice cream cake pleasure in simple things

It was National Ice Cream Day this past weekend and I was ‘jonesing’ for an ice cream cake!  I couldn’t let the day go by without celebrating!  Looking around the house, I had some s’more leftovers and decided to utilize them in an ice cream creation!

s'mores ice cream cake pleasure in simple things

In my house, ice cream desserts are always a big hit in the summer. This one is based on a favorite summer dessert and was inspired by the leftovers from our Fourth of July beach party.

s'mores ice cream cake pleasure in simple things

Unlike baking, the procedure for making ice cream cakes is totally forgiving and precision is not required – so feel free to alter the recipe based on the size of your pan or the ingredients you have on hand. I made a no-bake crust for this one, since I didn’t want to heat up the house with the oven on a hot summer day.

S’more Ice Cream Cake Recipe

  • 4 Hershey chocolate bars (1.55 oz. each), chopped into pieces
  • 1 qt. softened vanilla ice cream (made or purchased)
  • 2 packages (20 long) graham crackers, divided
  • 5 Tab unsalted butter
  • 2 Tab sugar, divided
  • Bag of miniature marshmallows

I know, this one is not for the faint of heart – although, in my defense, I did use low fat graham crackers and low fat ice cream! :)  (Come on, I nixed my original idea of putting a layer of melted Hershey bars over the graham cracker crust!)

Start by making graham cracker crumbs. (I put the graham crackers in a plastic zip-lock bag and used a rolling pin to crush the crackers and make the crumbs.) One package of the crackers will be used for a crust, and the other package for a ‘filling.’

Combine one package of the graham cracker crumbs (half your total) and a tablespoon of sugar with 5 tablespoons of melted unsalted butter. Pat this into the bottom of an 81/2” springform pan and pop this into the freezer while you prepare the ice cream.

Add the chopped chocolate bar pieces into the softened ice cream, mixing to combine. Take out the prepared crust and spread ½ of the ice cream mixture over the crust.

making s'mores ice cream cake pleausre in simple things

Mix the other half of the graham cracker crumbs with 1 tablespoon of sugar and reserve ½ cup of the mixture. Sprinkle all but the half cup over the ice cream mixture. Carefully spread the rest of the ice cream mixture over the graham cracker middle. Use the remaining ½ cup of graham cracker crumbs to sprinkle on top.

Cover the entire top of the cake with miniature marshmallows and freeze until very firm.

Adjust the oven rack on your broiler so that the cake can be as close to the element as possible and preheat the broiler. Put the cake under the broiler to brown the marshmallows as quickly as possible and then put back into the freezer. Even after being frozen, the marshmallows are gooey when you eat the cake!

melted s'mores ice cream cake pleasure in simple things
Let the cake sit awhile out of the freezer before eating – I think it tastes best just like s’mores – a little on the melty side!

Enjoy!  Hope you will experiment with your own ice cream creations!  Thank you for stopping by!

s'mores ice cream cake pleasure in simple things
Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

P.S.  If you are a s’more lover, you may also enjoy gourmet s’mores and s’more shooters!

Sharing with Crafts a la Mode and  Craftberry Bush.

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ending with ice cream cake


happy twenty-four!

I sure did have an exciting week.  I went to my first BlogHer – a conference designed for women who blog and other social media professionals…over 4,500 of them!

During the course of this three day conference, I … took a dance class with the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall…was addressed by the President of the United States…sang Happy Birthday to Martha Stewart… admired Katie Couric in person…and, listened to Soledad O’Brien, Christy Turlington Burns, and Malaak Compton-Rock discuss their great nonprofit works.  No wonder I am so tired!

It was an exciting three days…I was able to meet some really interesting people and attend some great social media classes.  The best part of my week?  That would be today, when my first born turned twenty-four years old and our family was all together to celebrate.

So, I will not be posting the photos I took of all the celebrities I saw in New York City…I am posting a photo of my first born son taken this weekend by his sister, documenting him doing one of his favorite activities on his birthday weekend.

And, I am posting instructions on how to create my son’s one-of-a-kind birthday cake…since, per tradition, he dreamed up the cake he wanted…

 Twenty Fourth Ice Cream Cake Recipe

  • 9 ½ “ springform pan
  • package of oreo cookies (you will use appoximately 10 oz.)
  • half gallon chocolate chip ice cream
  • half gallon coffee ice cream
  • 8 oz. bag Heath Bar bits
  • 1 container Reeses shell topping

Put a little coating of cooking spray or butter in the bottom of a 9 ½ “ springform pan.  Crush up  10 ounces of oreo cookies and spread on the bottom of the pan (you don’t need butter since the white filling provides moisture).  Soften the chocolate chip ice cream slightly and pack over the crumbs.  Next, spread the bag of Heath Bar bits evenly over the ice cream.  Your next layer will be softened coffee ice cream.  After arranging that into the pan, drizzle Reeses shell topping over the top of the cake.  Store in freezer.

Happy twenty-fourth, my son :)

Thanks for visiting, Jackie

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