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Tag: diy gift

random acts of flowers


flowers and seaglass

Today’s Friday field trip is a step back in time…back to the late 20th century…to celebrate the May Day (May 1st) tradition of leaving flowers anonymously on neighbor’s doorsteps as a signal to the start of spring.

flower quote by Monet

may day coastal flowers

For my May Day ‘baskets’ I used discarded cigar containers…apparently, some cigars are sold in glass tubes similar to a test tube…who knew?  So, I took some discarded containers and repurposed them as May Day flower containers to leave as surprises :)  Who wouldn’t enjoy finding some fresh flowers on their doorknob?  Using fresh flowers, some scraps of ribbon, twine, sea glass, shells, and driftwood I created some pretty May Day surprises to hang on unsuspecting…insert suspicious laugh here…doorknobs.


May Day coastal flower

Flower quote from the Koran

May Day daisies

May Day daisies

flower quote

hanging May Day flowers

Pink flowers for May Day

pink  flowers for May Day

Emerson flower quote

a250endingFlower tubes 033

I hope this inspires you to come up with your own variation of this May Day tradition.  A fun way to celebrate spring and put a smile on someone’s face :)  Thank you for sharing this week’s Friday field trip…a trip back in history to celebrate May Day with flower surprises!

Giving flowers is a simple pleasure that can surely make a difference in someone’s day.

You only need a stem or two to let someone know they are thought of in a special way.

Thank you for visiting!  I will be busy the next couple days….you can follow my adventures on Instagram :)

Have a really wonderful weekend, Jackie

Sharing with Common Ground, Craftionary, Roses & Stuff, Shabby Nest, Coastal Charm, Little Red House, A Pinch of Joy, Mona’s Picturesque, and Nurture Photography Spring 2013.

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