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painting easter eggs

March 12, 2021

three carrotts on an easter egg

Usually, every year, I come up with an Easter egg decorating theme before Lent begins.  I’ve done constellations, picnic items, succulents, etc.  This year is the first year that I had no light bulb moment  ‘telling’ me what my year’s theme should be!  I guess with COVID isolation I’m just not ‘out and about’ enough to get the creative juices flowing!

bunnies on easter eggs

I decided to start painting and see what happened.  I started with a couple different bunny designs.  That felt a little too ordinary.

bunny on an easter egg

Next, I did a carrot design.  Once I added the eyes and expressions it felt a little more creative than the rabbits!  So now I am thinking maybe I will do a vegetable theme?

empty eggs

I’ll see what happens!

painting easter egg

easter egg and paints

Right now I am taking a little painting break to enjoy the fabulous weather we are having here in Connecticut!

Thanks for stopping by!

Have a fabulous weekend and remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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