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first trip to napa

July 23, 2019

magic time in napa

With more than 400 wineries, each with its own unique style, setting and history, no trip to Northern California would be complete without visiting a vineyard in Napa Valley!

glasses at William Hill

By staying in a Napa resort and visiting 3 different wineries, I was able to enjoy unforgettable wine tastings, stunning views, and behind-the-scenes tours of wine cellars and caves.

Hill winery

Being a wine connoisseur is definitely not a requirement to have a blast visiting vineyards!  I am the perfect example!  I barely drink alcohol at all, but I had a wonderful time sampling the wines of Napa!  With the gorgeous views and interesting tours, I think I would have enjoyed my time at the vineyards if I drank nothing at all!  Although I am glad I did – what a fabulous experience sampling a wide variety of tasty wines created at vineyards I actually toured!

looking at the fields of grapevines

grapevine leaf

One of the vineyards we visited was featured on the movie Wine Country with Amy Poehler.  It is easy to understand why – with the scenic views spanning a 280-acre distinct property!

vineyard property view

wine glasses ready

Wine is not the only enjoyment when visiting the vineyards of Napa.  Most of the wineries serve food accompaniments.  It was so interesting (and tasty) to discover the pairings created!  It was also a wonderful way to identify some new cheeses!  My favorite was one hand-rubbed with lavender buds and coffee called Barely Buzzed.   When I got back home, I was thrilled to find out I could order it by mail from the Beehive Cheese Company!

wine tray

My first trip to Napa Valley was definitely an unforgettable one!

vineyard viewing

Thanks for stopping by today!

vineyard view

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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