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cheers to the weekend!

March 6, 2020

smores cocktail

Yes, it’s FriYAY!  I don’t know why I get excited, based on the fact that I am working Saturday and Sunday!  It just seems everyone is happier on a Friday afternoon – and it puts me in a better mood as well – work or no work!

For today’s Friday field trip, I am taking you to a brand-new restaurant – I just happened to be there for work on the day it opened.  I didn’t eat anything at this restaurant – I only sampled a couple beverages.

And, since it was a new restaurant, I wanted to try a new drink!  After looking over the drink menu, I had my eye on two different drinks that sounded unique and fun to try.

The first one I tried was called Violeta Magica.  The reason for the ‘Magica’ was that the drink changed color!  Yup!  After pouring in a little added test tube of yellow liquid into the glass, the blue drink turned violet.  Interesting since blue and yellow make green!  But the change in acidity seemed to be the reason it made the color change.  The drink tasted sweet and had a light rum base.  Tasty and interesting!

Click here for Violeta Magica!

The first day the restaurant was opened, the drink was served with rocks and the next day, when some friends ordered it, the same drink was served in a more elegant glass with a floral garnish…I guess being new the restaurant was still experimenting!  (The color transformation video of the drink in the rocks glass is posted on the pleasure in simple things Facebook page.)

violet magic

The second drink I tried was the S’more on the Shore: Ron Zacapa 23/Dry Sack Sherry/Graham Cracker Infused Syrup/Chocolate Bitters/Roasted Marshmallow.  Loved the chocolate bitters!

smores cocktail closeup

I hope I have inspired you to try a new drink this weekend!  Whether with alcohol or without, whether you make it yourself or order something out – try something new!

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

P.S.  The new restaurant is Coquina in Amelia Island, Florida.  I will show you more of this beach-side beauty in an upcoming post!

Category: food & festivities, inspiration, sand & sea, travel | Tags: , , |

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