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outside the color palette?

April 4, 2014


For Friday field trip today, I am adding the first accessory to my newly decorated painted guest room.

pansy planting supplies

I hadn’t really planned to redo any rooms upstairs.  Honest.  But, one of the bedrooms desperately needed painting and that (of course) started the whole ball rolling!  That, my friends, is not the surprising part since it doesn’t usually take much to get me going in the redecorating direction!  The surprising part?  My new room color isn’t part of my usual color palette!

The color palette I created for my downstairs rooms from a photo I took of an oyster shell.  I color matched my paint colors to the colors I took from the photo.

The color palette I created for my downstairs rooms from a photo I took of an oyster shell. I color matched my paint colors to the colors I took from the photo.

I agonized over paint swatches for a good month – finally deciding on a color called ‘shortbread’ from the Martha Stewart Living paint line at Home Depot.

As a yellow/gold tone – it was a departure from my usual coastal colors. Once the room was cleaned and painted (even though my free time should really have been devoted to tax preparation!) I decided to use my limited funds on a bed frame and bedding so the room could be utilized as a guest room right away.  The rest I can complete a little at a time when the mood (or funds) are right.

guest room collage
I chose a bed frame in a gray/brown (driftwood looking) color from Ikea and proceeded to stalk all the home stores for bedding.  I decided on a gray textured spread at Home Goods and picked out some contrasting pillows – limiting myself to just two.  I also picked up a sheet set in a color that looked surprisingly similar to the color of the shortbread paint.  Basics completed!  Ready for guests!

pansy spoon

Now, for my first official accessory for the new room, I am planting some pansies in a beautiful gold tone chippy planter that I found at Anthropologie.  The pot cost me $8 and I picked up some pansies at Home Depot – my first accessory cost under $15 and I love it!

pansies in anthro pot

spring time pansies

You know – now that I really look at that room – the shortbread paint could easily be called marsh grass or coastal twilight…don’t you think?  ;)

Thanks for stopping by!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing at Little Red House, Craftberry Bush, Coastal Charm, and Mona’s Picturesque.

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visiting anthro home office

March 21, 2014

Urban Outfitters Headquarters

I checked one off the list!  The ‘places I need to visit in Philly’ list…I visited the Anthropologie Headquarters!

Sign for Urban Outfitter Headquarters

Actually –  the Urban Outfitters home office.  Urban Outfitters is the parent company for Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, Free People, Terrain, and BHLDN.  So, for today’s Friday field trip, I am sharing a few photos of the public areas I visited at the headquarters located at Philadelphia’s Naval Shipyard.  The Navy Yard is a collection of historic buildings (and battleships!) on the waterfront and open daily for public visitation.  It is easily accessible by shuttle just a few miles from the center of the city.  Though it is now closed for any naval activities, the 1,200 acre business campus sits on what was once the country’s very first naval shipyard!

Urban Outfitters offices

The creative and inspiring atmosphere (with great food) inside the Urban home office makes every visitor wish they were an employee!  You can see in this photo, just like in the stores – dogs are welcome!  In the Anthro building, I actually saw a dog watching a TV as he sat in his little dog bed next to his owner’s desk!  (True story!  And, he was watching a show about dogs!)

Dogs allowed at Urban Outfitters corporate

Some of the historic Navy Yard artifacts are clearly embraced in the decor:

Naval decor at Urban Outfitters Corporate
There are two wonderful places to have lunch – both are open to the public.

lunch menu at Urban Outfitters corporate

lunch table at Urban Outfitters corporate

Yup, it is called The Navy Yard for a reason…I don’t know of any other lunch spots with a battleship view!

View from Urban Outfitters corporate

One wall makes for an impromptu museum:

Hallway Urban Outfitters corporate

Like the stores, unique and inspiring surroundings are everywhere:

Urban Outfitters Corporate

Urban Outfitters Corporate

If you look closely at this photo, you may spot the employee exercise area on the upper floor.

Urban Outfitters Headquarters in Philadelphia, PA

And here is my prime destination…Building No. 10…

Anthropologie headquarters in Philadelphia, PA
The building containing the Anthropologie headquarters…I won’t show you the inside since it is not open to the public, but I will say that I was NOT disappointed!  Oh, and here is an example of one of the many daily happenings while walking by one of the company buildings…the beginnings of a photo shoot:

photo session at Urban Outfitters

I hope you enjoyed sharing some photos of the areas open to the public at the Urban Outfitters home office…and, if you should find yourself in Philly sometime – check it out!  Because, like the stores, the home office is unique, fun, and inspiring!

Have a fabulous spring weekend!  Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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beauty in the details

February 18, 2014

pretty vitamin jars

For me, beauty is definitely in the details. 

I love William Morris’s golden rule:   “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”  But, I would take that a step further since I believe anything useful can also be beautiful.

As you know, taking pleasure in simple things makes my heart sing…and I truly believe even the smallest detail in a home can (and should) be one that brings joy. 

William Morris quote

A wonderful example of this in my home is in my kitchen.  Until I found a way to replace the unsightly vitamin bottles on my kitchen table, I could not be happy.  I tried keeping them in the pantry and out of view, but this only succeeded in my forgetting to take them!   

My solution was to find some vintage looking jars to house my vitamins right on the kitchen table – replacing the ugly plastic vitamin containers.  Now my vitamins are housed in these aesthetically appealing beauties…I love to look at them! 

Keeping vitamins looking pretty

To make my vitamin regime even easier, I marked the inside of each jar top with the contents and description of dosage on a piece of attached masking tape.  If I should purchase a different mg than usual of one of the vitamins, I am sure to include that right on the tape.  Convenient, right?  And, no ugly labels on the jars…beautiful and useful!  (Of course after writing this post I had to redo the labels under the jar tops…now they are perfectly printed….beauty in the details!)

keeping vitamins

Since I am always on the lookout for a variety of items for my home, I ended up finding these jars in three different places during my travels.  The numbered jars actually came from the Christmas Tree Shops and cost 99 cents each!  I just used a little sandpaper on the painted numbers to ‘rough them up’ a bit.  

Have you found any super ways to put beauty in some of the little details around your home?  I would love to hear about them!

Thank you so much for stopping by.

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

Sharing at City Farmhouse.

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club monaco arrives

September 27, 2013

club monaco

Are you an outlet shopper?  We have a couple of big outlet centers here in Connecticut.  I don’t visit them very often, but on my last outlet trip, I was on a mission…

merchandise at Club Monaco

On a mission to check out the new Club Monaco!  The first one in Connecticut!  So, for the benefit of all my Connecticut friends, today’s Friday field trip is to the Club Monaco store in Clinton.

dresses from Club Monaco

Well, since I was there…I really needed to try on a few things, didn’t I? Love the oversized dressing room!

Club Monaco is headquartered in New York City with over 69 stores in North America, in addition to several other countries.  (Originally a Canadian company, Club Monaco is now owned and operated by Polo Ralph Lauren.)  I have been to Club Monaco stores in New York, but my favorite location is the Philadelphia store…and I love shopping there with my college-aged daughter since the store offers a discount to college students!

Club Monaco studio store in CT

It was at the Philadelphia store that one of my favorite sales associates gave me the heads-up on the new Connecticut location.

The Club Monaco style represents “a distinctly urban-casual point of view, best defined as a sophisticated play of opposites: mixing vintage with new, hard with soft and eclectic with minimal.”

Club Monaco in CT

I’m so excited to have the store in Connecticut…and, to have the opportunity to buy some great things at a discount!

Club Monaco in CT

If you live nearby, check it out.  Thanks for joining me today for Friday field trip.

New Club Monaco in CT

Here in Connecticut, one weather reporter said “Saturday will be the best day of the year.”  Looking forward to it…Hope you are looking forward to some good weather or something fun this weekend!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

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‘spruced up’ in westport

April 19, 2013

beautiful bookmarks at Spruce

It is that time of year in Connecticut…the time when ones thoughts are consumed with warm weather and gardening (as you can tell, I am still in a gardening state of mind)…And, for Friday field trip this week, I am going to take you on a visit to a new home and garden store in Westport center called Spruce.

Spruce in Westport, CT

The store has been opened almost a year, but quite honestly, I only recently became aware of it because I usually tend to concentrate my store perusal to Main Street when I am in that part of Westport.  Spruce is definitely worth the short walk from Main…it is located at 90 Post Road East.   A Paper Source has recently opened right next door which gives me two great reasons to walk over to the Post Road when I am in the downtown area.

Spruce in Westport, CT

Spruce in Westport, CT

In 2010, Spruce started with one store in Connecticut…there are now 7 Spruce stores in 3 states.

coastal items from Spruce in Westport, CT

Spruce in Westport, CT

As you can see, they carry a lovely selection of home and garden items, gifts, jewelry and clothing, and other accessories.

Spruce in Westport, CT

Bracelets from Spruce in Westport, CT

Assorted merchandise at Spruce in Westport

I hope these few photos gave you a little bit of an idea of what Spruce has to offer…I had a great time visiting!

  and Chad at Spruce in Westport, CT help to make your shopping experience a fun time!

Patty and Chad at Spruce in Westport, CT help to make your shopping experience at this home and garden decor store a fun time!

Entrance of Spruce in Westport, CT

Hope you enjoyed our Friday field trip to Spruce in Westport, Connecticut.  You can learn more about the store by visiting the Spruce website.  Be sure to visit the store if you find yourself in the Westport area.

Have a really wonderful weekend.  Thank you so much for stopping by!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie 

I am sharing at Little Red House and The Tablescaper.


repurposed brown bags

April 16, 2013

bookmark made from a Terrain bag

April 22nd is Earth Day…in the spirit of the day, I am repurposing the brown bags I have accumulated from my Terrain purchases to use them in some fun and beautiful ways.  If you aren’t lucky enough to have a Terrain near you, any brown bag will do!  The Terrain bags have one up on the traditional brown bag since they are embellished with some beautiful floral designs.  You may have other stores you frequent that use brown bags with some type of design that would make your creations more interesting…Trader Joe’s, as an example.

Once I got started with this, I realized I could create a number of posts…I had so many ideas!  But, I limited my creations to seven.  Here is the bag I started with:

Terrain shopping bags

This first item I made is a place card.  I used a piece of cardboard from the bottom of the bag and glued some of the bag onto the front and back.  Then, I rounded the corners and stamped a name onto the front of the card.  Anchoring it into a piece of driftwood gave it the perfect finishing touch!

place card from Terrain bag

Wrapping paper is an obvious use for the bags and here I used a bag as wrapping… in combination with some pretty forest green ribbon and a natural twig pencil (both from Terrain):

wrapping paper crafted from a Terrain bag

wrapping paper from a Terrain bag

Cutting a bag into strips and weaving the strips together suggests a wealth of possible items…here, I created a basket with some woven strips.  I also used the handle of the Terrain bag as an accent on the edges and shredded (in my home shredder) some of the tissue to create the filling.  I was even able to utilize a piece of Terrain ribbon that was used on one of the bags I received from the store.

basket woven from a Terrain bag

basket crafted from a Terrain shopping bag

For the next use, I created a pretty utensil holder using a bag, a bag handle, and a paper punch:

cutlery holder fashioned from a Terrain bag

If you read my Valentine post, you know I made Valentine treat containers…I love to make treat containers for any occasion.  Here, I printed this beautiful vintage rabbit image I found on The Graphics Fairy onto the bag…I cut a piece of the bag and fed it through my home printer.  Then, I used my sewing machine to create a beautiful treat container.  This one contains jelly beans…the container needs to be ripped open to discover the contents!  Fun, right?

Treat sack from a Terrain bag

treat sack from a Terrain bag

Here is another Terrain bag…notice the green stitching on the bottom of the bag and the cut out handle…

Terrain shopping bag

I was able to utilize the stitching and the flower description on the back of the bag in creating a couple different variations of a bookmark.  The one with the stitching also utilized the handle from another bag:

Bookmark from a Terrain bag

bookmarks made from Terrain bags

Bookmark from Terrain bags

I embraced the style of bag for the dry erase board I created.  I simply framed the bag.  I love how the opening for the handle serves as a place to write ‘notes.’

dry erase board from a Terrain bag

So, these are some of my creations made from repurposed brown bags…a great way to serve the environment.  I hope you will be inspired to create some repurposed projects of your own :)

Thanks for visiting!

Remember to take pleasure in simple things, Jackie

I am sharing at Little Red House, Pinch of Joy, Craftberry Bush, Common Ground,  The Shabby Nest, and Coastal Charm.


homage to fall with velvet pumpkins

September 24, 2012

One of my recent visits to Terrain created an intense love for velvet pumpkins…definitely love at first sight!  O.M.G., why have I never seen these before!  The display in the store was just breathtaking…how incredibly beautiful!  As much as I hate leaving summer, I now have a wonderful reason to celebrate fall…velvet pumpkins!!  So, I spent the first night of fall staying up into the wee hours of the night making velvet pumpkins…they are addicting!!

Here I present my homage to the new season, using my new creations…enjoy!

Because so many have asked, I am going to put together a tutorial (another late night!) on creating these beauties and I will post it tomorrow…if you want to try your hand at making them, check in tomorrow for the instructions.








The pumpkins I saw in Terrain, that created such a stir in my heart, can be purchased in an unreal assortment of colors, on this website:  To shop Terrain online:

Hope you enjoyed my velvet pumpkins!  Remember, if you want to give them a try, check in tomorrow for “how-to” instructions.  Thanks for visiting, Jackie


5 ways to add design personality

September 18, 2012

The best part about home design is adding your own style to your decor.  I would like to share 5 simple tips that can add instant design personality to your home.

INCORPORATE FAMILY MEMORIES.  A great way to anchor your home decor is through pieces that have special family meaning.  How wonderful to see an old family item passed down through the generations, or something that has special meaning in your family, every time you walk into a room.  If you don’t have something like this already, it is easy to collect some items from other family members that you can incorporate into your decor.  I have done this a lot over the years in my home.  I even have one room in my home aptly named ‘the nostalgia room’ that is decorated entirely with old family items and photos.  An old black and white family photo framed in a spectacular or trendy way, or a piece that reminds you of a particular family member, can create instant personality.  An old sign from a family business, your grandfather’s favorite fishing pole hanging on a wall, your grandmother’s favorite lamp – anything that has some family significance can make a creative design piece with personality!

A great way to anchor your home decor is through pieces that have special family meaning.

ADD TEXTURES.  Varying the textures of the materials you use in your decor adds great visual interest.  Incorporating different textures into a room full of neutrals gives instant visual interest and is a design element all on its own.  A monochromatic color scheme is instantly transformed with the use of varying textures.  Think about mixing textures you love when you purchase items for your home.  Any color scheme is enhanced with a clever mix of textures.

Varying the textures of the materials you use in your decor adds visual interest.

CREATE ORGANIZATION.  The way you choose to organize not only makes you feel great by creating order, but also can serve as a design element.  If you look at organization in this way, it is a simple step to add style to your home.

One way I do this in my home is in the way I organize my books.  The way I incorporate them into my decor is the way I cover them.  This is the simplest, but most beautiful way to turn books into a design element.  Use your favorite wrapping paper, nautical or street maps, old sheet music, or even brown paper.  Think about your interests and the color schemes of the rooms where you shelf your books.

Closets can be organized in a visually pleasing way using baskets or attractive containers.  Keep your rings in a pretty dish that matches your decor when they aren’t being worn.  In the kitchen, utilize attractive jars to house those daily calcium tablets!

The way you choose to organize not only makes you feel great by creating order, but can also serve as a design element.

USE SOME PLAYFUL PIECES.  As in life, it is not a good idea to take your decorating too seriously – add some fun accessories to give your home decor personality and to make you smile.  This is an easy thing to accomplish with little expense and can be utilized anywhere in your home.  I like to find playful kitchen items that can make even the most mundane task seem fun.  There are plenty of ways to add whimsy to your decor, particularly in accessories.

As in life, it is not a good idea to take your decorating too seriously.

REMEMBER OUTDOORS.  Don’t miss the opportunity to utilize great decor outdoors.  Simple items can make a big difference and this is especially true outdoors.

One example at my home was my clothespin holder.  The holders traditionally sold for clothespins were visually annoying.  I bought a basket for much less than a traditional clothespin holder and stained it using leftover stain from my house…now I love the way it looks!

White plastic doorbells are another eyesore, but SO easy to change up.  House numbers are also an easy item to replace and can be a big visual element – a great way to showcase your personality by the style of numbers you choose.  Planting your seasonal flowers in colors to complement your front door is an easy way to make your plants a great design element.  Adding design features to your garden is also an instant way to add personality and can make your weeding session more fun!

Be sure, also, to use pieces you really love for outdoor dining or entertaining.  I love the acrylic water glasses I found for my outdoor entertaining.  Clearance racks are filled with outdoor dining accessories at this time of year and some smart purchases now are sure to put a smile on your face come Spring!

Don’t miss the opportunity to utilize great decor outdoors.

Hope you enjoyed these five simple tips to easily add your own design personality to your home.

Need some ideas for something in your home that you’d like to turn into a design element?  Send me an email, I would love to help!

Thanks for visiting, Jackie


oozing with inspiration

May 14, 2012

terrain’s opening

Terrain's Connecticut opening

Since I have been anticipating the opening of Terrain in Connecticut for quite some time, I was thrilled to find out the official opening was scheduled for Mother’s Day weekend.  I decided that would be a perfect treat on Mother’s Day morning –  to visit the new store.  Owned by Urban Outfitters, Terrain is a home and garden store, that up until this weekend, only existed in Glen Mills, PA.  The store has that same hip vibe as Anthropologie (also owned by Urban Outfitters), but with a gardening aesthetic.  An old car dealership in Westport, CT was transformed into a 16,000 square foot retail space, a restaurant with an outdoor patio, a coffee bar, and an outdoor nursery…Terrain.

Relief prints by Connecticut artist Bryan Nash Gill

It was hard to resist not calling in sick to work on Friday to attend the opening day of the store.  I had been driving by occasionally during the construction process and was very excited to finally see the store completed.  I could not wait to look around inside.  Finally, I was able to check it out and I soon found out that I would not be disappointed.

Free sessions in container planting – this one was with herbs.

The store is oozing with inspiration.  I especially love the beautiful hand blown glass terrariums by Vermont artisan Simon Pearce.  They can be planted by one of the Terrain staff, tailor-made to the purchasers tastes… when I was there on Sunday, many were being created to bring home to a mom on her special day.  I vowed to put a Terrain terrarium on my birthday wish list so I could someday put one on my desk at work.  There would be no reason not to smile every morning with a work of art like that in your workspace.

The frame of a 1920’s green house is used in the decor.

The knowledge of the barista at the coffee bar was extremely impressive and I am sure the 7:30 am opening time will make it a popular spot for locals to make a quick stop before heading off to work.  I didn’t take the time to sample the menu, but the café boasts a Food & Wine “Best New Chef” of 2011 on staff and provided both a visually interesting indoor seating area as well as seating on an outdoor patio.

Terrain’s website is:



orange appeal

April 19, 2012

do they still make tang?

When I was out and about last weekend I decided to try and find something to rock the orange.  Yes, I decided to give in to the orange invasion.  If you have been in the stores at all this season you have witnessed the orange take over.  It is everywhere.  In Manhattan recently, I saw fashionistas all over the city carrying huge orange bags…a big departure from the usual all-black attire.

What exactly is the appeal of the color orange?  What are the things that come to my mind when I think of the color orange?  Construction sites…  Prison uniforms…  Mario Batali (okay, I do like him).  TangTang was the ‘space’ drink I enjoyed as a kid …do they still make that stuff? ….and as I got a little older,  Tango.  Tango was an interesting (albeit disgusting) mix of some kind of artificial orange beverage mixed with vodka.  Back in ‘the day’ it was considered a much higher end beverage than my usual sloe gin fizzes.

I do give in to so many of the trends as time goes on….no matter how adamant I am about avoiding them.. I always give in.  I figure I will get some token orange item and get it over with…satisfy the orange. I can’t go with too much of it because I know it looks awful against my skin.  This was confirmed years ago when color ‘seasons’ were popular.  I was told I was a winter. Apparently winters DO NOT look good in orange.  Winter or not, I definitely agree that orange is not my color.

I decided to walk up and down the aisles of Jo-Ann Fabric & Craft Store to get some inspiration and a light bulb went off as I got near the yarn section.  I will make a lightweight scarf!!  Granted, I know very little about knitting other than the basic knit.  I try to mix things up by using two yarns simultaneously or varying the size of the knitting needles.  In this way, I can make a scarf look different without really knowing that much about knitting or learning any other stitches. If you pick interesting colors and yarns and/or mix up the sizes of the knitting needles, you can make people think you are an experienced knitter and they will never know you need to use a reference on the internet to remember how to cast on!  Here are the yarns and needles sizes I chose:

I used one 15″ knitting needle and one 17″ knitting needle and held the two yarns together and knit them as if they were one.


I merely did straight knitting, but put the two yarns together and knit them as one.




By the way, if price were no object, my orange item would definitely be a pair of Tory Burch flats…now THAT’S an orange crush!


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