field trip friday
This week’s field trip is to the bookstore. Have you heard about the book 1,000 Places to See Before You Die?
In my very wildest dreams I could not visit the 1,000 places listed. Who could?! Who has the time, or more importantly, the resources to accomplish it? Flipping through the book certainly makes me feel inadequate – I have seen very few of the places even listed in the U.S….heck, I haven’t even seen one of the four places listed in my state!
We live in a global society and I have seen very little of the globe. I am lucky to live in a time when technology affords me the opportunity to discover many places I can’t visit. I know watching television documentaries or reading a book is not the same as actually experiencing a destination with all five senses. This was very obvious listening to Patricia Schultz talk about her travels at RJ Julias in Madison, CT where I saw her promoting the second edition of her New York Times bestseller, 1,000 Places to See Before You Die. Admittedly, she hasn’t seen all 1,000. Although, I really started to believe she may have while listening to her, almost breathless, excitedly sharing all her knowledge of faraway places. It definitely seems like she has been everywhere!
As I sat waiting for the evening to start, I was sure I would be depressed knowing how many of these marvelous places I haven’t been. But, it did not take long listening to Ms. Schultz to realize her presentation was more a reason to develop a love for travel, rather than a motivation to create a checklist of places visited. Instead, she provides a list of opportunities…hoping to whet the reader’s appetite to discover someplace new. Her enthusiasm is contagious. And, although I don’t have much of a budget for travel, I came home inspired to try and visit more places.

A photo of Patricia Schultz discussing her book “1,000 Places to See Before You Die”…a signed copy will be Septembers giveaway selection.
Ms. Schultz decided to pick 30 of the 1,000 places from around the globe listed in the book and present them in the form of a slide show. Yes, the photos were incredible….but, equally incredible was the knowledge and love Ms. Schultz has for travel..and her thirst for learning about other lands and cultures. She tours the world extensively. ..a far cry from the first journey she credits with the start of her love to travel…instilling a desire for adventure – Atlantic City! As a child, from her home in New York state, she couldn’t wait for the annual family journey to the shores of New Jersey.
So, I didn’t come home depressed at all….I came home exhilarated. Ms. Schultz was enchanting. And her presentation left me with a feeling of wanting to experience so much more. So, even if many of my ‘visits’ are merely reading from her book, I feel motivated to experience more of the world.
Like I did, I want you to share some of Ms. Schultz’s enthusiasm for world travel. If she is in your area, be sure to see her. A signed copy of her book will be the giveaway book for September…so you too can catch some of her love for travel. It may just give you the inspiration to visit a place nearby that you were always meaning to visit….or you may just book that faraway place you always wanted to see – it will open your mind to 1,000 possibilities.
‘Like’ my facebook page, follow me on twitter, or leave a comment on a post anytime during the month of September for a chance to win a copy of 1,000 Places to See Before You Die, signed by Patricia Schultz. (During August is a chance to win Yes, Chef signed by Marcus Samuelsson)
Happy trails!
Thanks for visiting, Jackie
[…] Congratulations to Lynn T. from New Jersey for winning the author signed copy of 1,000 Places to Visit Before You Die. Lynn, I know you will enjoy this book! You can read a little more about it here […]